Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Is this a household word in anyone else's home besides mine? 
I set out last night to finish putting the laundry away. Now, I'm not talking a couple of loads, oh no, rather about eight of them.
I got it done....mostly.

I decided I'd make a cake last night around 9:30. When I read the recipe and saw that the cake needed to cool completely before layering I decided I'd start another project while the cake was baking. The cake came out of the oven and I set it on the stove......and it's still there this morning.

Every single morning I tell myself the floors are all going to be swept and mopped after my husband leaves for work. Did you catch that, "Every single morning?" I've been saying that since last Tuesday.....

I ran across a little saying that I have posted on my refrigerator, mainly to remind me to clean it out and wash the containers immediately. Here it is:

                     PROCRASTINATE LATER

Many times I've about walked away from doing the dishes, when I've glanced at that tiny piece of paper giving me the "Mommy look." It sure has helped me stick to a task until it's completed, after I got started, of course.

But today is going to be different than any other day in my history. I'm going to clean my entire house including closets, drawers and under beds. The meals will be on time, the laundry put away, and the bills paid. Ooooooo, I'm feeling inspired......

But before I get started, I need to catch up with some of girlfriends and find out what's been going on since we last spoke, see what the latest news is on Yahoo!News, start a book I've been meaning to read, spend quality time with my children....Oh, the list goes on.....

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