Saturday, October 8, 2011

I Had My Daughter When She was Three Years Old & Birthed My Great-Grandpa

Now my daughter is six years old though she was born three years ago.
Do you believe in reincarnation? I didn't until I had my son and noticed that he acts a lot like my Great Grandpa Beisly, then I was converted. least I grabbed your attention.
We are constantly having to remind Hallie that she is 3 years old. She wants to do everything BUT what a three year old is suppose to do. I have found her in the kitchen more than once pouring spices and herbs into a pan and mixing them. I lost a sack of carrots and found out that she has a "refrigerator" somewhere else. She pampers, disciplines, dresses, bathes, potty trains, spanks and plays with Micah. Sometimes he goes along with it, which is why I find out after the fact. She watches everything and thinks she can do it the next time. I scooped up laundry detergent out of the carpet because she felt that her whole room needed to be washed. And indeed, it did!!!

"Great-Grandpa" thinks a lot about food. He knows how we get it, where we put, how we prepare it, and how we eat it. He is VERY slow at about everything he does, except when it comes to food. Life kicks in gear when Mama gets in the kitchen. The other day we had been out grocery shopping and although we had eaten our breakfast before going and it was three hours before lunchtime, Micah felt he needed a snack. Raisins, bananas, yogurt, turkey franks, carrots, and milk tempted him. When we got home, he was right in the middle of putting our grocery away. Actually, I think he was afraid all of it was going into the refrigerator for later. His little face told of his distress and his hands tried to hold back some of the food from going in. But...unfortunately, we put it all up.
AND THEN....TADA! I opened the refrigerator and heard little feet start running for the kitchen. I was making my rounds in the kitchen gathering everything I needed to make lunch. In all my rounds, Micah could not figured out if I was cooking, or putting something away, or what!??? Finally, he said, "Mama, what doing?" And I had to laugh!!!!
When he figured out I was cooking, he immediately got up into his chair and sat there until the food was served. He sat there and ate. He sat, and sat and SAT! In-between bites he had several conversations with imaginary people and things and he sang a few songs as well. Hallie had left the table and Daddy and Mama were done eating as well. Daddy got on the computer and Hallie started playing, and Micah and Mama sat...and sat...and sat...for another 20 minutes.
Near the end of my patience, I scooped him up and suggested to his "other mama" that she go wash him up while I cleaned off the table. Whew! It was over, but I only had four hours until we would have to repeat it!

So, do you think my three old is actually seven, and that her brother is really her Great-Great Grandpa?
Well... maybe I am a few pancakes shy of a stack, but I have a reason to be: between 7am and 9pm I am guarding "my stuff,"or finding it (hey! where's the other pancake?!!!), cleaning up messes, and sitting for over an hour watching someone else eat!

That's okay! I absolutely love my life, and if I could choose any two children to be mine I would without hesitation choose Hallie and Micah!!!

 Because I love it when they crawl into my lap and wrap their arms around me and call me "Mama." I love watching the brightness of their eyes when they've just learned something new, discovered something, or have been discovered. I love hearing them sing around the house and read to each other the stories they have memorized. It's all worth the messes, the empty bottles of soap, spices, herbs, ketchup, milk..., the pulled up vegetable plants thought to have been weeds, and important papers torn up and written on.

It's the deep calling of Motherhood that gives the God-given grace and unconditional love to overcome the disasters.

1 comment:

  1. And to think I am privileged to get frequent updates on these happenings and Hallie and Micah "sayings"!

    Gotta wonder, though, how slow Micah will be at 80 if he's the same speed now that Grandpa was at 80!

    I love being a "Nama" and really enjoy these two of my wonderful 8!
