Sunday, June 16, 2013


  Thank you , God, that you came for my sorrows, my griefs. Thank you for being my Mighty God, my Prince of Peace and by Your stripes I am healed. There's power in Your blood to not only save and keep from sin, but heal my wounds, little girl memories of violation, fear of the known and unknown. Oh, God, how excellent is Your name in all my earth. By Your name, Satan must flee and in the name of Jesus I have the victory.

  Thank you, Father, for being my counselor. If it wasn't for Your guidance, Your awesome instructions, I would be stumbling along trying to find hope and direction. Sometimes, your counsel seems confusing and maybe contradictory, but looking back I've been able to see that there were things in my future I couldn't see at the time. Oh, You know me, you know my frame, you know my make-up, my deepest needs and imperfections, and you lead on to perfection, to completeness, to wholeness. You lead me through my paths into Your paths of righteousness. 

  Thank you for fighting for me. Thank you for putting hedges of protection around me when there is no strength in me to fight. Thank you for putting me under Your wing when I am so wounded, hurting and scared, and whispering words of love and promises of protection. Thank you for raising a standard against the enemy and calling loud enough for me to hear, "You can come no further. She is mine, not yours. You've done enough. You can come no further." Thank you, oh, thank you for a chance. Thank you for breathing life into me, emotional life, spiritual life. 

  Thank you for believing in me when I can't believe in myself. Thank you for placing people in my path to help me begin to understand that you created me just as I am, and to you I am beautiful. Thank you for having patience with my failing trust and my fears that cause me to flinch and step back. You never push me to give to you. I see now how many times you give and keep giving. And when you see a spark of trust starting to flicker, You fan it. 

  Thank you for holding me every time I need it. You never want anything in return for holding me. You never violate me or accept the times I try to see how I can repay you. And you let go when You know I am clinging to you the wrong way. Thank you for being so pure, so right, and so everything Love truly is supposed to be. 

  Thank you for your disciplines. You make me keep trying to walk even when I get so tired of always falling down. Thank you for loving me so much that You're not willing to allow me stay where I am, but make me keep growing, keep seeking, keep trusting. Thank you for being there to fight my battles. You don't want me to give up, but You love me enough to let me make my choices. And that Love makes me keep coming back to You, makes me keep fighting with all the strength I have. 

  Thank you, Father, that joy comes in the morning, sunshine after the rain, healing after wounds. Thank you, that as I step into the unknown future, I can look back and see that you have passed by and you've made a difference in me and it gives me assurance that as I step, You will be there to guide my footsteps. Thank you that I know that you don't mind my running back to you when life seems so harsh and unforgiving. I will always be your little girl who never has to wait for you to notice me because I always have your ear and your lap is always there for me to climb into to be held like I long to be held. 

  God, You are my God. You are my Daddy, too. Thank you for all the time you've spent on me and for promising that you won't leave or forsake me, or change moods on me, or fail me, or violate me, or reject me. You are my real Father and I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me and been to me.

Thank you with all my heart!!!

Happy Father's Day!!!!