Sunday, January 8, 2012


Because I am not good at resolutions, I didn't commit to anything, I just said I would try.

So, what am I going to try to do this year? Mmmmm!

I told my Sweetheart I would TRY to keep the house a little cleaner than what I did this past year.
I will TRY to spend more quiet time with my Bible.
I will TRY to reach out more to others.

So... I am trying and boy! is it hard when I TRY to keep focused. There's always distractions:

Like this past week, I resolved to thoroughly clean my kitchen; I got as far as behind the refrigerator. It seemed like the day would go by to fast and I was still left holding the To Do bag.

This morning I instructed Micah and Hallie that I needed them to go play in their room for a few minutes and leave Mama alone. Mmmm! I think they were curious...or bored. The minute I opened the Bible little feet came down the hall with questions that just needed to be answered. I read a few verses before again I heard little feet and, "Mama, I can't find..." And the other needed to go to the bathroom but took her time getting there. By the time my "quiet time" was over, I wasn't sure what I had read.

The third one on the list hasn't happened yet...I don't believe I had to TRY everything the first week of the year, huh?

My desires are to draw closer to the Lord this year, keep homeschooling Hallie, grow a bigger garden, help Bryan through another year of college, continue to find unique ways to save and make money, and connect with others better than what I have.

Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR! to you and yours!!! If you made any resolutions, I hope you do great at sticking with them! Otherwise, if you're like me, then happy trying!